Opposite to the famous saying that encourages you to stay comfy with modest results, we believe in the power of data to make informed marketing decisions to get more results birds in the hand. The beauty of Digital Marketing is that we can leverage a broad set of data to drive and improve your campaign strategy, focused on your business goals.
We put targeted messages in front of the right people at the right time in order to help you reach your goals. Whether you are looking for more visitors, clicks, or conversions, we utilize platforms such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn to expose your brand to the right audience.
"The results have been incredible. With Birds in Hand, it feels like they're in our trench, supporting and understanding us. They're like a partner and mentor in helping us to get to our audiences."
"What we love about Birds in Hand is that they don't just do what we ask for. They really care about our business and ask questions to get a deeper understanding of our business goals and propose new tactics."
"They are really into analytics. Finally, an agency that analyzes and presents results in a way that you can actually make a decision to better invest in marketing".
“They bring a lot of experience and a lot of very good strategic know-how”.
“In design, they combine strategy with heart, always adding emotion into the equation”.
“Birds in Hand has produced fantastic content for us. Their work has made a real difference in the success of our business”.
We are currently taking on new projects. Would you like to discuss yours?